I went to gym just now....
after that, i had my dinner which is bakuteh...
Gladys and YenLi went for movie (Flood) but I didn't join them...
so tired lah......
gym had took my life...
I've did some exercises which can build my body up...
haha....to be stronger and stronger... just kidding lah...
I've impulse to join Fitness First when I doing gym...
just a moment that I think of it...
because I'm still student...
It's not afford to me...
So lazying now... I tried to do the tutorial question just now...
but I reali don't know how to do...
Some of the questions are not in the lecture slides...
how are we going to do???
beside that, mid-term is coming next week....
I'm dying soon.......
haizzzzzZZZZZ....feel sleepy now....gonna sleep already...


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