I am getting a meaningful life because I have a lot of activites and many happy stuff happened recently. Just went to cheong k just now as I said yesterday. With who?? With them lol-Boh Geh, Lyly, "kakak and adik". We went to The Curve after Web Page class, but hor...Jophennie skipped her class to join us. We didn't force her. We never force people to do something they don't want. She is too lazy... I remember a sentence of the lyric of a song called



This is a very good and appropiate sentence to describe people in this world. Am I right to say so?...haha....anyway, just leave this topic. Do not want to mention it now. The "2 Sister Flower" are very WEI. They always offer people to capture photo for them...Really is a pair of BEST SISTER FLOWER....wakaka

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