Woh!! We went for steamboat just now who are WingKeat, YokePui, Allicia, Jophennie, Alan and ME. We also went for it last month if not wrong, but this time we go to Sunway. There have more variety of food compare with SS2's. The steamboat shop called "缘". It's the most popular steamboat shop in Sunway. Really "people mountain people sea" leh! Customers are lining up outside the shop everyday.

We had took much more food compare with last time..haha...until no place for me to eat. Haiz... We were chit-chating nonstop in the shop. YokePui always came out with this sentence:

"WingKeat said right then is right lol"!

~~~~ So funny lah. Allicia will says like this


after YokePui said. They did many "paiseh-est" stuff just now. Actually, not only just now but is everytime we hang out! They always are the "most noisiest" group! Just they, not ME...hehe...kidding lah! haha... Allicia....You should remember what you've done ya!!....the ice-cream....haha!! Actually, I want to thanks WingKeat because he fetched Allicia and ME back to PJ although it's very late already. Like this only call FRIEND mah. We took a lots photos like before for fun and I will keep it in my brain...in a deepest place inside my brain...because it's HAPPINESS!!

*We are planning to Cheong K tomorrow.....keke....meaningful life!


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