My sister was calling just now. She is shopping in Singapore's shopping centre now. haha. She actually is choosing a shirt and a long pant for me. haha. So happy! No need waste my precious money to buy new clothes.

My youngest sister and I can considered as close when I am still young. But, do not why we became not close as before when I was studying in primary school and secondary school as well. We have no much topics to talk. Maybe she went to U.K. and distance had separated us. I was studying form 2 at that time. I did not realize the significance of family member because I am still younger and I just know to play and play and play.

However, after she came back from U.K., our relationship was became closer and closer. I was 17 years old already. And I also knew that how family members are important to me. They actually are very take good care of me. But, sometimes really over caring and made me mad! haiz... do not have much freedom at that time.

But now, haha.. I already grew up! And I am studying at Petaling Jaya, so that i have many freedom. Freedom is around me but family members are separated so far with me. We have to appreciate our family because we have many many many 缘分 only that we can become a family!

***I do not know what I am writing about...***

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