So so happy last few days. JiaHui was come back from Singapore last Monday. She reached at KTM (train) Seremban about 5am. At first, AhSiew and I want to accompany Zeexin to go to train station to greet Jiahui, but, we ware slept so sweet. So, ZeeXin was not willing to disturb us sleep. Then, she go by herself. Haha. Jiahui was disturbing us when she reached at ZeeXin’s home. We cannot sleep because she was too noisy. We went to visit KL at 1230pm. We went to Mid Valley 1st because ChaiMei was waiting for us at there. After met her, we went to Pasar Seni to meet MeiYin. I did a “great job” at there. Haha. After that, we went back to PJ which is my home. They wanna stay a night at here. Actually, we want to take a rest at here. But, so bad so bad so bad. There was no water supply on that day and we are forced to go JiaHui’s brother’s home to bath. So paiseh! Then, we went to Puchong because we were planning to go cheong K at night. Many friends like AhHao, AhSheng and his girl friend, JianFook and his girl friend, Body, AhSiew, JiaHui, ZeeXin, ChaiMei and me had fun. We were so crazy.

In fact, I thought that secondary school’s friends are not very important for me already. But, after met they, I only realized that our friendship was planned into my heart from long long time ago. They already are one of my parts. I will appreciate it right now.

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